The Thomas Dodge Galleries
Sojourn means “temporary stay” and describes my life as a photographer. It probably also describes your view of this website! A life in photography really is a series of temporary stays. You may spend a month or a week in a foreign place. You may spend an afternoon getting to know someone and photographing them. You may walk down your favorite path and photograph a quaking aspen leaf. Isn’t each of these instances a temporary stay?
New Book!
A Sky of Tomorrows
A New Mexico Portfolio
Just published: A Sky of Tomorrows: A New Mexico Portfolio . Five years in the making, this is a collection of some of my favorite fine art photography from throughout Northern New Mexico and down to White Sands National Park. My images celebrate the light, landscape, history, people and cultures in this amazing “Land of Enchantment.”
(Sojourn Groveland Editions, 150 pages, hardback, 13”x11”, $190.72, incl tax & shipping)
The reviews are in!
“Thomas Dodge is a masterful and versatile storyteller. In the more than four decades I’ve known him, he has explored such diverse storytelling media as writing, poetry, theater, film and vocal arts. But, he always has returned to photography as a communication form to tell stories.”
— Jim Patrico, photojournalist and photo editor
Capturing the Light
In Santa Fe, I have the freedom to pursue the personal art projects that motivate and inspire me. Here, in the Land of Enchantment, my photography and writing focuses on the landscape and people of the Southwest with its vibrant color and classic, ancient history.
Sojournfoto Bookstore
After nearly 50 years in photography, I have published my retrospective, SOJOURN: A Life in Photography, available here now in an elegant collector’s clothbound hardcover edition. Images in the book represent the anthropological approach to photojournalism and fine art work I have taken on topics around the world: agriculture, natural history, cultural and regional demographics. The work spans the decades from my youth on a Minnesota farm to my current life covering the landscape and cultures of the Southwest from my base in Santa Fe.
• Clothbound hardcover edition w/dust jacket (13”x11”), 82 pages — $132.55, incl. tax and shipping.)
Explore our Introductory Galleries
(An expanded selection of my images are available when you click on "Shop" in the menu bar above and browse the Sojournfoto Shop.)
A cross-section of America is at your fingertips.