This Land…
Throughout my 45-year career in photography, I have had the opportunity to travel on assignment across the United States. Wherever I went, I was always searching for images—on assignment and off. From rural America to the country’s urban streets, I’ve tried to always catch the telling moments; juxtapositions in viewfinder compositions that help describe the character or mood of a place.
Here is a sampling of some of the images I have “caught” through the years. Together as a portfolio, these photos for me help define America in our time.
Blue Moon Setting, Truman, MN, 2014
Newborn Pigs, Truman, MN
Corn Strips, Truman, MN
Christmas Barn, Truman, MN
Farm Through Frosted Window, Truman, MN
Flock of Pigeons, Truman, MN
Used Tires, Bird Island, MN
Winter Farmscape, Truman, MN
Hallway Light, Truman, MN
Sunday Dishes, Truman, MN, 1979
Amish Tobacco Farmer, Lancaster County, PA
Amish Laundry, Lancaster County, PA
Townhall, Albion, MT
Arrows, Arizona
Mississippi River Morning, Hannibal, MO
Farmworkers, Salinas Valley, CA
Hummingbird on Saguaro, Tucson, AZ
Friday Night Football, Missoula, MT
M&M Bar, Butte, MT
Parade Prep, Minneapolis Aquatennial
Misty Fjords, National Monument, Alaska
Lake Michigan Sunset
Striated Clouds, Truman, MN, 2012
Soybean Sunset, Truman, MN
Full Moon Over Farmstead, Truman, MN
Corn Harvest with Quilt Barn, Truman, MN, 2015
Anhinga, Everglades National Park, FL
Rockefeller Center, New York City
Fireworks Over Lake Sisseton, Fairmont, MN